When the study was done implicating obesity with saturated fats, the effect of HFCS on obesity was not considered.
For some people statins do seem to cause dementia so it is difficult to interpret these studies indicating statins reduce dementia, but even in studies that concluded statins have no effect, certain people in the study had marvelous results.
More recent studies seem to indicate that the ratio of High Density Lipoproteins to triglyceride ratios is a more indicative indicator of both heart disease and related dementia. My conclusion is that it does contribute to age related dementia even though data is not air tight yet.
Sometimes making a conclusion contrary to corporations driven information is a good thing. I did not believe that sunscreens with only UVB (burning rays) really protected us from melanoma when I read articles that said Melanoma mushroomed in both Australia and Sweden after the introduction of sunscreens. Instead of really thinking through this problem, they blamed the tanning salons which compete with Big Pharma and even prevented FDA approval for a perfectly good UVB and UVA sunblock from France for 15 years while Canada did approve it.
I also observed that soups with partially hydrogenated "low fat" made me sleepy in the 1980s. Several years ago, it was reported that trans fats reduce blood flow in our arms by half! I never embraced eating this unnatural fat in processed foods which also led me to eat much less Fast Foods.
We do know from Brain studies covered by www.charlierose.com that the presence of an Apolipoprotein E gene reduces our ability to lower certain fats in our blood leads to earlier dementia. But as we all know, patients are not always easy to diagnose, and the overload of medical articles has made it impossible to keep current on such a complex organ as the brain.
With the increase incidence of dementia in Americans who are overweight or obese indicates
age related dementia is correlated with low density lipoproteins and triglycerides, but no proof has been obtained. When science fails, I use common sense with information.
Obesity in 1985 when Reagan started heavily subsidizing corn to produce very cheap High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS so much that it became almost free. The obesity rate was less than 10% in California and 10-14% in most obese states. http://www.scribd.com/doc/2465772/CDC-trends-in-obesity-1985-2001 Now 27 states in 2007 had 25%-29% obese people including children and 20 states have 20%-24% obese individuals!
The NY Times article below quotes only those who say there is no difference between cane sugar and HFCS, but a Princeton study did show recently that when equal calories of cane sugar or HFCS were fed to mice, the latter mice ate a lot more mice chow. They are certainly chemically different even though they made up of similar components. Here is my excerpted blog on that.
Fructose Brain Metabolism Increases Food Intake and Glucose Does Not
Fructose Brain Metabolism Increases Food Intake and Cane Sugar Fructose-Glucose Does Not
Some really good scientific research on sugar goes back to the 1970s, but the majority of science projects accelerated when Obama started funding the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and National Science Foundation (NSF) which was sharply cut by the Bush anti-science mentality so scientists had to rely more heavily on corporation grants which limited them from doing projects which may hurt businesses such as Big Agriculture Food Conglomerates controlling what we eat, sunscreens and Big Pharma.
Sometimes it takes a little effort and quiet to absorb information unfamiliar to us.
Do not miss video by Dr. Robert H. Lustig, M.D., UCSF Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism This video is 90 minutes and really does an easy to understand explanation about the deadliness of a high fructose diet, chiefly from soft drinks. The second short video shows that drinking sugary soft drinks is equivalent to drinking fat. Fructose metabolized in the liver produces about 30% triglycerides, possibly more dangerous to our health than saturated fats.
www.DrMercola.com website is a good place to get health information, but like most things, checking the primary source such as Dr. Lustig and Dr. Richard J. Johnson, University of Colorado Denver Medical Center The Sugar Fix: The High Fructose Fallout that is Making You Fat and Sick is the best way to convince yourself to contradict the propaganda or PR such as in the website www.sweetsurprise.comwhich is a firm that corporations hire to contradict strong scientific evidence about their food products health problems. Google ads can be from anyone and often contradicts the scientific article.
Sweet Surprise: Rachel Maddow, http://rachel.msnbc.com and http://maddowblog.msnbc.com are great places to get lots of factual, well researched, information. You may be surprised that very few news stories give you facts that contradict commercial interests. …
Now 58 Percent of Americans Think High Fructose Corn Syrup is Bad for Them, NY Times, Tara Parker-Pope Sept 14, 2010. … Because higher levels of enzyme converted corn sugar has been used extensively and at high levels in soft drinks, Gatorade, ketchup, and prepared foods to make them palatable.
(Note the influence of advertisers and food producers on how Parker-Pope slants the article by contradicting what has been reported in the NY Times at least several times. Jim)
According to the market research firm NPD Group, about 58 percent of Americans say they are concerned that high-fructose corn syrup poses a health risk.
Some scientists over the years have speculated that high-fructose corn syrup may contribute to obesity by somehow disrupting normal metabolic function, but the research has been inconclusive. As a result, most leading scientists and nutrition experts agree that in terms of health, the effect of high-fructose corn syrup is the same as regular sugar, and that too much of either ingredient is bad for your health. … (See Dr. Lustig video above! What Parker-Pope does not mention is that HFCS can be put into foods at much higher levels because it does not crystallize out as cane sugar does when frozen. Jim)
Table sugar comes primarily from sugar cane or sugar beets. High-fructose corn syrup is made essentially by soaking corn kernels to extract corn starch, and using enzymes to turn the glucose in the starch into fructose. The ingredient is a favorite of food makers for practical reasons. Compared with sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup doesn’t mask flavors, has a lower freezing point and retains moisture better, which is useful in making foods like chewy granola bars. And because the corn crop in the United States is heavily subsidized, high-fructose corn syrup is also cheap. As a result, it’s now used in so many foods, from crackers to soft drinks, that it has become one of the biggest sources of calories in the American diet.
But the public perception of high-fructose corn syrup as unhealthful has prompted many food companies to stop using it (how many?) in their products, including Hunt’s Ketchup, Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice and Wheat Thins crackers. … http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/14/a-new-name-for-high-fructose-corn-syrup/?ref=health
Added comment: The Obesity rate now in Canada, our neighbor, is only 15%! The UK is 23% and most of Europe is much lower than the USA. It takes no genius to determine that corporations control our country to larger extent than just about any other country! Jim K.