Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vitamin D Cures MRSA Infection Not Stopped with Vancomycin and Ceftazidime

Tags: MRSA Resistance Vancomycin Vitamin D How Cancers, Osteoporosis, Autoimmune Diseases Caused by Its Lack

About 14 years ago I got an infection during my daily peritoneal dialysis. My doctor refused to Vancomycin which I knew would work. I kept getting recurring infections. Now the resistance to Vancomycin is common enough and almost the last resort drug so it is very important to avoid getting this infection because it is on the surfaces of almost everything we touch in and out of the hospital. Some patients bring it in on their skin because they use antibacterial soaps which kills the good bacteria and not the bad ones. Bacteria feed on dead skin which we all have.

What I do to prevent infection. I use regular Ivory soap and keep the soap clean by washing off grime before is apply the soap. I rub between my fingers, on my nails, and scrub every part of my hand, fingers, and wrist. A doctor checked my skin and found no MRSA on it.

Probably the best thing you can do is fix your immune system by exposing yourself in the sun for 10 minutes between 10 AM to 3 PM 3 times a week or more during the spring, summer, and early fall depending your the latitude of your home.

You also need to take vitamin D which is a hormone needed in every cell in our body and every animal with a spine needs a lot. The lack of enough lowers your ability to fight all infections, both virus and bacterial, cancers at an early stage, autoimmune disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, autism, depression, insomnia, arthritis, heart disease, and, of course, Osteoporosis.

From The Vitamin D Solution by Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D., 2010, with a Foreword by Andrew Weil, M.D. Research supported by peer reviewed medical journals.

Osteoporosis: Not enough if you use sunscreens enough don’t deliberately expose ourselves to sun during the hottest time of the day. Since our all our cells needs vitamin D, unless we have enough, the bones are depleted of calcium without replacement.

Cancers: Vitamin D works very well to keep cell growth normal and can even slow down the formation of blood vessels required for tumor growth. However, once the cancer grows too far due to a lack of enough vitamin D, the cancer cells develop resistance to vitamin D hormone. For example, it is known that advanced Ovarian Cancer destroys vitamin D so it can survive.

Autoimmune Diseases: Autism doubled in the 1990s in California, large among affluent families who followed the advice of Big Pharma and Dermatologists who encouraged increasing higher SPF sunscreens to increase profits. Because mothers used sunscreens all the time, the fetus and baby was highly deficient in vitamin D needed for brain development. The risk of MS is almost 100 percent in high deficient fetus and babies. The synapses and neurons growth a lot during the first few years. Dr. Holick blames Dementia, Schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease on vitamin D deficiency based on research studies.

The rise in Depression and ADHD may also be due to a lack of enough vitamin D hormone.

I became a very good scientist not because I was unusually brilliant, but I am good at questioning whether theories even by famous scientists could be wrong and able to process the overwhelming information available in my brain without having to think logically about it. It just comes together. Our brain is a marvelous tool for innovation if we only let it.

Immediately after I found out that only ten minutes in the sun for light skin humans is needed to produce 22,000 IU of vitamin D, I immediately came to the conclusion that our body must need much more than our doctors and scientists are telling us. I also concluded that all of our cells must need vitamin D. It came to me immediately why osteoporosis is such as problem. All the vitamin D needed for bone building with Calcium goes to the cells instead.

I searched the internet in vein to support my conclusions. I found nothing but I kept looking and finally found it. I suspected that vitamin D papers were not a high priority since sunscreens and Fosamax makes Big Bucks for Big Pharma. Yes, they hire the best scientists as consultants so they may be less likely to double-cross their source of income.

Autoimmune Diseases: In 1903, photobiologist Dr. Niels Ryberg Finsen won the Nobel Prize for medicine after successfully demonstrating that exposure to sunlight cured many disease, including lupus vulgaris, or tuberculosis of the skin.

Jim Kawakami, Nov 9, 2010, http://jimboguy.blogspot.com

MRSA Infection Not Stopped with Vancomycin and Ceftazidime


The patient is a 48-year-old man with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia. He was on dialysis and had rigors, fever, and hypotension.

Blood cultures were obtained and he was admitted to the hospital after a dose of vancomycin and ceftazidime. Within 18 hours his blood cultures were positive for what would be identified as MRSA.

History and Physical Examination

History. The patient has had insulin-dependent diabetes since he was a teenager, and currently his A1c is approximately 10 mmol/mol. He has neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy. He has a dilated cardiomyopathy after myocardial infarctions and an ejection fraction of 22%.

Physical examination. On physical examination, the following were noted:

  • The patient was febrile and tachycardic
  • HEENT: no emboli; he is legally blind
  • Heart: 3/6 systolic murmur
  • Lungs: basilar crackles
  • Abdomen: nontender
  • Extremities: 2+ edema, no emboli

Labs and imaging. As expected, the patient's lab studies indicated that he was diabetic, had an infection, and was in renal failure.

Hospital course. The patient's fever gradually resolved over 7 days. His blood cultures were positive on day 3 (but not day 5) for MRSA with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to vancomycin of 1.0 µg/mL. The organism was resistant to all other antibiotics except linezolid and daptomycin. The dialysis catheter was removed, and a tip culture was negative. A transthoracic echocardiogram showed vegetation on the mitral valve. He was sent home on a 6-week course of vancomycin and he completed the course, the vancomycin trough levels never falling below 18 µg/mL.

One week after completion of antibiotics, the patient was again febrile and hypotensive on dialysis and his blood cultures grew the same MRSA, with a MIC of 1.0 µg/mL to vancomycin. His evaluation in the hospital was identical to that of his last admission.

Neither the thoracic surgeon nor the patient wished to proceed with valve replacement, the former because of worries about infecting the prosthetic valve, and the latter simply not wanting the intervention.

What treatment option would you choose for relapsed endocarditis? (There is no "correct" answer.)

Another 6-week course of vancomycin

A 6-week course of linezolid

A 6-week course of daptomycin

A 6-week course of linezolid and meropenem

Strongly encourage the patient and surgeon to proceed with replacing the mitral valve


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