It has been known for years that the microwave signals affects the brain just like it does in heating food in the microwave oven. This happens when the water molecules in the food vibrate causing heat generation. The same happens to your brain and becomes stronger when you are further away from the towers because more energy hits your brain for reasons I do not understand. It seems logical to me that those closer to the towers gets greater radiation exposure to our brains from cell phones.
When the prefrontal orbital cortex is removed due to disease, we are unable to make decisions. So emotions are always involved in our decisions and there is no such thing as completely logical assessment of the facts.
Fear is what drives the Republican Party, believe it or not. Greed is what drives those at the top who manipulates less intelligent religious Americans which Gingrich and Wall Street/corporations exploits all the time in campaign ads and soundbites.
Emotions are needed to learn and to be creative. Just logic and looking at the literature as so many believe does not give us great ideas unless we already have a treasure trove of information in our brain to determine good ideas from bad ones. Those who achieve such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs who both luckily left Harvard and Reed College respectively as Freshman so they could tinker in their garages, were not contaminated with conventional thinking. Unfortunately the best schools train us to fit the top echelons of society and not necessarily innovate, but the serve Wealth and Power. The primary ideas normally come from elsewhere. They are superb in copying the true innovators and making small changes and call it patentable.
My guess is that Americans are now only interested in being entertained to a large extent so I am truly concerned where we are going. Perhaps President Obama will prove to be that inspiration once he gets reelected in 2012.
When we get contrary facts to our beliefs, we get scared or experience cognitive dissonance which leads may to reject contrary facts and ideas. Only with a great effort and more information can we overcome a lifetime of learning. This is probably the greatest defect in our ideological society now. I hope we can overcome this and do what is necessary to maintain the good life in America.
Yes, excess greed is not logical, but it is a very powerful emotion, just like hate and envy.
Jim Kawakami, Feb 23, 2011,
Wikipedia: The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is a prefrontal cortex region in the frontal lobes in the brain which is involved in the cognitive processing of decision-making. It consists in non-human primates of the association cortex areas brodmann area 11, 12 and 13; in humans it consists of brodmann area 10, 11 and 47[1] Because of its functions in emotion and reward, the OFC is considered by some to be a part of the limbic system.
The OFC anatomically is defined as the part of the prefrontal cortex that receives projections from the magnocellular, medial nucleus of the mediodorsal thalamus.[2] It gets its name from its position immediately above the orbits in which are located the eyes. Considerable individual variability has been found in the OFC of both humans and non-human primates. A related area is found in rodents.[3]
The human OFC is among the least-understood regions of the human brain; but it has been proposed that the OFC is involved in sensory integration, in representing the affective value of reinforcers, and in decision-making and expectation.[1] In particular, the human OFC is thought to regulate planning behavior associated with sensitivity to reward and punishment.[4] This is supported by research in humans, non-human primates, and rodents. Human research has focused on neuroimaging research in healthy participants and neuropsychology research in patients with damage to discrete parts of the OFC. Research at the University of Leipzig shows that the human OFC is activated during intuitive coherence judgements.[5] …
Cell Phone Use May Have Affect on Brain Activity in the Emotion Center of Prefrontal Cortex where Decisions are Made. Science Daily, Feb 23, 2011, Nora D. Volkow, M.D., of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., and colleagues conducted a study to assess if cell phone exposure affected regional activity in the human brain. The randomized study, conducted between January 1 and December 31, 2009, included 47 participants. Cell phones were placed on the left and right ears and brain imaging was performed with positron emission tomography (PET) with (18F)fluorodeoxyglucose injection, used to measure brain glucose metabolism twice, once with the right cell phone activated (sound muted) for 50 minutes ("on" condition) and once with both cell phones deactivated ("off" condition). Analysis was conducted to verify the association of metabolism and estimated amplitude of radiofrequency-modulated electromagnetic waves emitted by the cell phone. The PET scans were compared to assess the effect of cell phone use on brain glucose metabolism.
The researchers found that whole-brain metabolism did not differ between the on and off conditions. However, there were significant regional effects. Metabolism in the brain region closest to the antenna (orbitofrontal cortex and temporal pole) was significantly higher (approximately 7 percent) for cell phone on than for cell phone off conditions. "The increases were significantly correlated with the estimated electromagnetic field amplitudes both for absolute metabolism and normalized metabolism," the authors write. "This indicates that the regions expected to have the greater absorption of RF-EMFs from the cell phone exposure were the ones that showed the larger increases in glucose metabolism."
"These results provide evidence that the human brain is sensitive to the effects of RF-EMFs from acute cell phone exposures," the researchers write. They add that the mechanisms by which RF-EMFs could affect brain glucose metabolism are unclear. …
Brain: Orbitofrontal cortex |
Approximate location of the OFC shown on a sagittal |
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