Medical Establishment and FDA telling lies and distortions to keep very safe Breast cancer detection method from being approved by the FDA just like Wall Street. Yes it is just about money at the expense of women's lives.
Just like Right Wing Media, people are starting to understand that so-called medical experts could have a conflict of interest in preventing safer and more effective methods to treat and diagnose illnesses such as cancer.
This is similar to what the money grubbers are saying about vitamin D and health. Big Pharma and Academic Consultants are horrified that widespread use of 2000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 will greatly impact their businesses in cancer and Bone building drugs.
Repeat so more readers will understand the vital importance of vitamin D3 for our health.
Two thousand seniors in Texas where they get plenty of sun were found to be largely highly deficient in vitamin D metabolite from vitamin D3 made by our body from UVB (burning) sun radiation or from safe, but not as long lasting in the body without storage of vitamin D3 in our fat tissues. Only those not using sunscreen and spending much of their working day in the sun without sunscreen had levels high enough to prevent cancer by 50 percent. It requires 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily to reach a level high enough or 40-60 nanograms per milliliter of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D.
Physicians in the past have looked at the active metabolite which takes 25-hydroxy-vitamin D to 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, the active metabolite for bone building at much lower levels to determine whether their patients were vitamin D deficient. Unfortunately it varies a lot and is not a reliable indicator and has no correlation with the even more important role of vitamin D3. The inactive metabolite 25-hydroxy-vitamin D goes to every cell in our body and attaches to it and is converted to the active 1,25 dihydroxy form which the cells uses and destroys the excess because too much of this can be deadly. Note that our kidneys produces only a small amount to help calcium go to our bones.
Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D., Boston University Medical School, and his collaborators did much of the original research to determine that vitamin D is not just for bones. In fact it improves our immune response to activate the T-Cells to kill infections and cancers. He also adds that it seems to prevent separation of cells which helps cancer grow and spread through our body. This is a new theory published recently, but Holick explains it in his 2010 book, The Vitamin D Solution: A 3-Step Strategy Cure Our Most Common Health Problems.
With 2,000 IU vitamin D3 daily, it takes only 12 days to deplete all of it without sun or pills. One Harvard study on osteoporosis showed that it took 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 weekly for three months and if high enough with the blood test of inactive metabolite 25-hydroxy-vitamin D produced by the liver's action on vitamin D3, the researchers went down to 50,000 IU every two weeks to get blood metabolite to get to high enough levels to rebuild bone. A technician for a bone scan told me she essentially did the same thing with the ironic incident of her having osteoporosis problems when she was testing others for it. With kidney dialysis patients who start it much later are healthier because the important other functions that the kidney provides are stopped during dialysis treatments.
Bone medicines for osteoporosis stop the loss of bone which apparently leads to unexpected fractures of the spine, hips, and femur. Even though those are not high, it is something all seniors should consider. Remember vitamin D3 helps prevent falls for unknown reasons of seniors. A hip fracture can often cause deteriorating health of seniors and early death based on some studies. With advice from your physician who believes in vitamin D helping osteoporosis, try to avoid using the Big Pharma drugs. Remember they and their consultants will fight hard to widely spread a safer and better way to fix osteoporosis.
Remember a White person can make 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 per minutes while a Black person with much more melanin takes six times longer for 1,000. So if you tan easily, it will take you longer to get enough vitamin D3. Most of us will opt for vitamin D3 pills. For many years sunscreens did not have UVA block which led to melanoma because it is the same radiation that makes us tan. We can get tanned going outside on cloudy days, but our vitamin D3 making UVB is stopped by clouds.
Climate Change Affects Our Weather Now: With extra moisture and carbon dioxide due to climate change increasing temperatures over the oceans, especially at the equatorial and arctic and antarctic regions our wind and currents and violent storms and droughts have increased dramatically. It is silly not to say global climate change has led to the storms. It is about time the climate scientists start using common sense and say this to the public! The formation of clouds which I suspect may lead to La Nina effects more frequently causing cooler temperatures in the Northwest and Northeast. This cloud formation increase due to climate change has just been reported. Oregon had record lows in April and perhaps May 2011.
Jim Kawakami, May 16, 2011,
Aside from trade associations like the AMA, the Society for Breast Imaging, and the American College of Radiologists (ACR) – people who have lots to lose in the way of mammogram dollars – the FDA, as usual, is taking its time reviewing thermography's new evidence as a first-line defense against breast cancer. Currently the FDA classifies thermography only as a Class I medical device that can be used as an adjunct to mammography.
As a result, insurance companies and Medicare have refused to endorse and pay for thermography for breast cancer screening. They all cite numerous studies showing a presumed low effectiveness of the procedure – but those studies ARE MORE THAN 10 YEARS OLD.
When you review more recent studies, you'll find that the thermography has well-known benefits.
In fact, a study published in 2009 in the Journal of Medical Systems and the National Institutes of Health's PubMed reported that thermography aided by the latest analytical software sensors is 94.8 percent accurate – or nearly twice as effective as mammography! With more and more recent studies supporting these numbers, it has to make you wonder what the FDA is thinking by refusing to admit the good that it is.
Thus, the FDA is denying women – and men, because men get breast cancer too – this potentially life-saving procedure!
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
I don't have to recite another litany of studies that show that thermography is an extremely safe and useful tool, particularly in women with dense breasts. The point is that thermography is a safe, viable alternative that can help you get reliable, accurate information for diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of breast cancer.
Not only that, it can detect inflammation of other kinds in other places in your body, from your heart to your teeth to your circulatory/vascular system, and more – all in a procedure that doesn't involve touching or invading your body in any way. It's cost-effective in that it can help you make lifestyle and treatment choices you might not have with other procedures, including mammography.
And, it's risk-free and provides you with instant feedback – in other words, no need for a return appointment just to hear the results.
The important thing is that it still is an FDA-approved procedure, and you still have the choice to consider it as part of your annual health prevention plan.
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