Tuesday, November 10, 2009

CDC Website: Year 2000 Studies Prove Anti-Bacteria Soaps Do Not Kill Deadly E-Coli/ MRSA BACTERIA

... We examined this question by testing triclosan activity in a commercial soap. To achieve a 90% death rate, wild-type E. coli required exposure to 150 µg/mL of triclosan in soap for 2 hours at 37ºC. Two to four times that amount was required by the mutant strain. ... (Use alcohol based hand sanitizer in the kitchen after scrubbing with regular soap and water. Jim)

We have become a society where Profits Trumps All Human Needs Including Health of Our Loved Ones.

Deadly E-Coli 0157-H7 is present in all commonly used facilities and even in half our kitchens in our homes due to the introduction of factory farming and antibacterial soap. Even now, the soap companies such as Proctor & Gamble and the news media refuse to discuss this problem honestly. This long report should be read so I provided a link. A solution of half vinegar and water in a spray bottle will probably kill the bacterial. The sale of Clorox wipes has mushroomed.

Deadly 0157-H7 e-coli is present in half the kitchens in the USA from corporate hamburgers from all parts of world mixed together from scraps on the floor and the body of the cows exposed to fecal matter from cows which stand in their own shit while feeding. Even one bacteria can grow enough and doubles every four hours. Burn your hamburgers or just don't buy commercial hamburgers or eat one at a restaurant or Fast Food Joint. Even having meat ground fresh for you is not full-proof, but likely safer than buying the commercial hamburger.

Your kitchen can be kept e-coli free by never using the same cutting board for meat or chicken. I tend to avoid deli meats except at a store I trust, but only occasionally. Listeria in Wisconsin killed 100 people from contaminated hotdogs and other deli meats by Sara Lee foods. The executives who knew about the problem but did nothing were given a fine, but not put in jail. Listeria is more toxic than 0157-H7 e-coli.

Today Dr Oz http://doctoroz.com on ABC 3 PM ET/PT talked about microbes hazardous to our health. One woman on the show got MRSA while being treated for breast cancer. She has not been able to get rid of the MRSA and got it twice and still has a small amount of MRSA in her body only to grow again when her immunity is down. He has videos for each section. I would recommend everyone to record and/or watch this show daily. I watch while jogging on my rebounder/mini trampoline for about one hour.

Jim Kawakami, Nov 10, 2009, http://jimboguy.blogspot.com

CDC Website: Year 2000 Studies Prove Anti-Bacteria Soaps Do Not Kill Deadly 0157-H7 e-coli BACTERIA

... We examined this question by testing triclosan activity in a commercial soap. To achieve a 90% death rate, wild-type E. coli required exposure to 150 µg/mL of triclosan in soap for 2 hours at 37ºC. Two to four times that amount was required by the mutant. ...

Presentation from the 2000 Emerging Infectious Diseases Conference in Atlanta, Georgia

Antibacterial Household Products: Cause for Concern

Stuart B. Levy
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The recent entry of products containing antibacterial agents into healthy households has escalated from a few dozen products in the mid-1990s to more than 700 today. Antibacterial products were developed and have been successfully used to prevent transmission of disease-causing microorganisms among patients, particularly in hospitals. They are now being added to products used in healthy households, even though an added health benefit has not been demonstrated. Scientists are concerned that the antibacterial agents will select bacteria resistant to them and cross-resistant to antibiotics. Moreover, if they alter a person's microflora, they may negatively affect the normal maturation of the T helper cell response of the immune system to commensal flora antigens; this change could lead to a greater chance of allergies in children. As with antibiotics, prudent use of these products is urged. Their designated purpose is to protect vulnerable patients.

Antibiotics are critical to the treatment of bacterial infections. However, after years of overuse and misuse of these drugs, bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance, which has become a global health crisis (1, 2). The relatively recent increase of surface antibacterial agents or biocides into healthy households may contribute to the resistance problem.

The antibacterial substances added to diverse household cleaning products are similar to antibiotics in many ways. When used correctly, they inhibit bacterial growth. However, their purpose is not to cure disease but to prevent transmission of disease-causing microorganisms to noninfected persons. Like antibiotics, these products can select resistant strains and, therefore, overuse in the home can be expected to propagate resistant microbial variants (3-6). Moreover, these agents, like antibiotics, are not cure-alls but have a designated purpose. Whereas antibiotics are designed to treat bacterial (not viral) infections, antibacterial products protect vulnerable patients from infectious disease-causing organisms. Neither are demonstrably useful in the healthy household.

Proliferation of Antibacterial Products

Seven years ago, only a few dozen products containing antibacterial agents were being marketed for the home. Now more than 700 are available. The public is being bombarded with ads for cleansers, soaps, toothbrushes, dishwashing detergents, and hand lotions, all containing antibacterial agents. Likewise, we hear about "superbugs" and deadly viruses. Germs have become the buzzword for a danger people want to eliminate from their surroundings. In response to these messages, people are buying antibacterial products because they think these products offer health protection for them and their families. Among the newer products in the antibacterial craze are antibacterial window cleaner and antibacterial chopsticks. Antibacterial agents are now in plastic food storage containers in England. In Italy, antibacterial products are touted in public laundries. In the Boston area, you can purchase a mattress completely impregnated with an antibacterial agent. Whole bathrooms and bedrooms can be outfitted with products containing triclosan (a common antibacterial agent), including pillows, sheets, towels, and slippers.

Development of Resistance

Bacteria are not about to succumb to this deluge, however. Through mutation, some of their progeny emerge with resistance to the antibacterial agent aimed at it, and possibly to other antimicrobial agents as well (4). Laboratory-derived mutants of Pseudomonas stutzeri with resistance to the cationic biocide chlorhexidine were also cross-resistant to antibiotics (nalidixic acid, erythromycin, and ampicillin) (7). In a recent study, 7% ofListeria monocytogenes strains isolated from the environment and food products showed resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds (8).

Laura McMurry in my laboratory group conducted experiments to determine whether triclosan had a particular cellular site for its antibacterial activity. She used a classic genetic technique, the isolation of resistant mutants of Escherichia coli, to identify its possible target. Surprisingly, finding the cellular site proved easy. In fact, mutants appeared with low, medium, and high-level resistance (3). They all had a mutation in one gene, the fabI gene (3) (Table 1). This finding indicated that triclosan had a target for the enoyl reductase essential in fatty acid biosynthesis. In the presence of triclosan or a know fabI inhibitor (diazoborine) fatty acid biosynthesis was inhibited, whereas the antibiotics chloramphenicol or ciprofloxacin with other targets had little effect on fatty acid biosynthesis (Table 2). In comparison with the wild-type E. coli, the mutant required up to 100 times more triclosan to show even minimal inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis (3).

Table 1. Selection of Escherichia coli with triclosan resistance (3)




E. coli























Table 2. Effect of various drugs on fatty acid/lipid synthesis in intact cells




% inhibition





























One might argue that the high concentration of triclosan usually found in soap, e.g. 2,500 µg/ml, is enough to kill even resistant strains. We examined this question by testing triclosan activity in a commercial soap. To achieve a 90% death rate, wild-type E. coli required exposure to 150 µg/mL of triclosan in soap for 2 hours at 37ºC. Two to four times that amount was required by the mutant. By itself, triclosan was more active, killing E. coli at 6 µg/ml, and there was an even greater difference between the amounts required to kill wild-type and mutant E. coli. The soap seemed to decrease triclosan's effectiveness (Table 3). The mutant E. coli strains are truly resistant and would survive in triclosan-treated soaps diluted with as little as 3 parts water. Most importantly, the time, temperature, and amount needed to kill the bacteria greatly exceeded the average 5-second hand washing performed by most people. ... http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol7no3_supp/levy.htm

Friday, November 6, 2009

Bad Things Happen to People Every Day at Predictable Rates, Sometimes During Millions of Vaccinations

Unfortunately, the public's general absence of knowledge about the concepts of statistics and science leads many to incorrectly associate coincidental and unrelated health events with a particular vaccination program such as the current Swine Flu and seasonal flu vaccines.

For example the unfounded fear of a very small amount of a mercury compound to prevent bacterial contamination possible during multiple shots given of flu vaccines during a vaccination program for the same vial. This has forced the health officials to use single use vials for children without mercury preservative. Multiple studies have shown no problem with the mercury preservative with all kinds of brain disorders such as Autism.

Yes, it has increased enormously since the Republican Reagan administration when not enough care was used in widespread use of sunscreens with only UVB burning rays protection and prevents production vitamin D3 from the sun. The companies ignored blocking the UVA penetrating sun rays which with enough exposure probably leads to melanoma. Unfortunately once a commercial product is introduced whether adequately studied or not, it is hard to stop because of large commercial interests. Deadly tobacco smoking is only one example.

I suspect strongly that the sharp increase in neurological diseases may have been due to the excessive use of sunscreens which prevented the body to store enough vitamin D3, a situation deadly for fetuses and babies in the first few years who rely heavily on vitamin D provided by their mothers.

Yes, vitamin D is critical for brain development of the fetus and baby. We can store about two months worth of vitamin D3 for the winter months, but most Americans do not have this store and current studies show a large majority of Americans lack enough vitamin D which is really a hormone required by every cell in our body and not just for our bones.

I suspect that the mushrooming of osteoporosis is due to small amount of vitamin D in our blood is diverted from our bones to other parts of the body. One doctor in Eugene, Oregon administered 30,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D3 daily to one nurse to get her body stores up to par. Light skin persons can produce 22,000 IU of vitamin D during the summer in just 15 minutes of exposure!

Even though Oregon averages as much sun in a year as Florida, we have lots of rain and clouds during the winters and Oregon has one of highest level of Autism in the nation. As melanoma increases we are urged by Dermatologists to use more and more sunscreen lotion with a high SPF all the time. UVA most likely activates melanoma because it does not apparently burn but it sure ages our skin underneath our external skin layer and mutates our melanin precursor. But just like Global Warming, the evidence has to be overwhelming! Al Gore knew about Global Warming 40 years ago from his Harvard education!

Smart people are manytimes are so smart they find trivial deviations from warming theory to disprove a general concept which is experimentally obvious. Why is Venus 800 degrees? It has a carbon dioxide atmosphere!

Studies have also shown that vitamin D3 reduces the incidences of all kinds of doctors, greatly reduces colds in people who regularly get colds. Consumer Reports On Health called it the discovery of the decade.

"Vitamin D is shaping up to be the nutrient of the year—if not the decade. Researchers have discovered vita­ min D receptors in most tissues and cells in the body, and evidence is mounting that the vitamin is vital to the health of a wide variety of body systems. Studies suggest that the vitamin plays an important role in reducing the risk of a host of illnesses, notably osteoporosis, and possibly certain cancers and autoimmune, infectious, and cardiovascular diseases.

Unfortunately, blood levels of vitamin D have dropped over the past decade to the point that, according to a recent study, 77 percent of Americans have insufficient amounts. What’s changed? Well, some of the decline may stem from new testing methods. But we also go outside less often and, when we do, it’s under cover of hats and sunscreen." ...

Jim Kawakami, Nov 6, 2009, http://jimboguy.blogspot.com

ScienceDaily (Nov. 6, 2009) — The effectiveness of pandemic flu vaccination campaigns -- like that now underway for H1N1 -- could be undermined by the public incorrectly associating coincidental and unrelated health events with the vaccines. ...

"Regardless of whether someone gets the vaccine, bad things happen to people every day and generally occur at fairly predictable rates," said Steven Black, M.D., lead author and a physician in the Center for Global Health and Division of Infectious Diseases at Cincinnati Children's. "Identifying real safety concerns with new vaccines means we have to untangle actual safety signals from background medical events, which are those that would happen without vaccination." ...

The problem the authors identified is that public concern regarding medical events can interfere with important vaccine programs, even if the vaccine is not the cause. One example they cited is the interruption of a 2006 seasonal influenza campaign in Israel, where four deaths occurred within 24 hours of immunization. The clustering of fatalities and close timing of vaccination resulted in global news coverage, public trepidation and compromised the inoculation campaign.

In actuality, the four patients who died all were in a group already at high risk for sudden death from age and underlying medical conditions. Their deaths were consistent with a cardiac cause of death, and the number of deaths was lower than would be expected normally for such a high risk population. ...

The authors also revisited one of the concerns raised during the 1976-77 swine flu vaccination program. The vaccine in that campaign was associated with an increased number of Guillian-Barre Syndrome cases, in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks part of the nervous system. Guillian-Barre normally affects about one out of every 100,000 people a year. Based on this Guillian-Barre background rate, if 100 million people in the United States are inoculated in a pandemic flu vaccination campaign, the researchers said one would expect 215 new cases of the disease within six weeks of vaccine. These cases would be expected to occur whether or not the vaccine had been given. ...

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Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (2009, November 6). Pandemic Flu Vaccine Campaigns May Be Undermined By Coincidental Medical Events. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 6, 2009, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/10/091031002308.htm