Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hei$$man Trophy Profit Motive Has Permeated Every Segment of Our Society

Tags: Heisman Trophy Reflects the Role Money Overwhelms the Morality of Our Society

Some will argue that the profit motive does not pervade our society, in spite of irrefutable evidence that it did lead to the Great Depression

due to wider income disparity in America

and the morally corrupt Financial Crash on Wall Street and its fast recovery due to the power of money in politics. Because of the way corporations are structured, it is almost impossible to pursue criminal charges. The corporate interests of our Supreme Court makes it almost impossible to criminally pursue obvious crimes. When criminals decide our system of laws, we have truly descended into some sort of Hell.

We are now led by the current obsession with profits over any other human consideration. It has even invaded our recreational activities such as professional and college sports.

The sports writer for AP, Jim Litke, is the first time I personally read an article addressing this problem in our society. We must ask ourselves whether a crime committed regarding football recruiting in college should be immediately addressed or after the profits roll-in to all colleges from the BCS Bowl games.

Cam Newton should have been banned from college football as was USC’s Bush belatedly after the NCAA colleges cashed in on his talent for similar proof of members of the family being in on the con.

Jim Kawakami, Dec 11, 2010,

Excerpt Hei$$Man Trophy: … Cam Newton sounds like a good son, but he's not a very convincing liar. In his latest remarks on the pay-for-play scandal that's enveloped his family for the better part of a year, Newton told ESPN that he didn't know his father was shopping him around; not only that, they haven't broached the topic, even after the allegations made headlines six weeks ago. Newton said they discussed everything else but that.

"Honestly, we haven't," he said, "and that's not something I'm trying to get clarity of because I really don't care. At the end of the day, I can look him in the eye and know he has my best interests at heart." …

Remember, the Bush case dragged on for years, too. They just aren't going to do it while Newton is a walking, talking ATM for everybody from the vendors in the stands to the Bowl Championship Series czars throwing down hors d'oeuvres in the skyboxes on national title night.

Cynics charge the NCAA has become nothing but a lapdog to the game's monied interest. But they'd have to concede it's learned how to roll over without much complaint, too. That's because the people running the organization get their orders from the university presidents who took control of the NCAA more than a decade ago, along with a mandate to clean up the sport and put an end to what was already being called an "athletics arm race." What those presidents did was put away the brooms and ramp up the budgets instead.

They paid coaches more than entire faculty departments, then let the BCS hijack their most valuable property, the postseason, in exchange for hefty payouts to their schools. When their universities and conferences sloughed off decades-long loyalties in pursuit of a quick buck, the only integrity they likely insisted on were cashier's checks. And with so many conflicts-of-interest to keep track of - TV contracts, sponsorship deals - they are decidedly less interested in each other's faux pas than ever. …

Hei$$Man Makeover Time: Stressing Cash Over Dash AP Jim Litke, Dec 9, 2010,

The only way the Heisman Trophy still means anything after this weekend is if the football cradled in the statue's left arm is replaced by a bag overflowing with cash. After all, nothing says college football these days like the Benjamins.

Every time we think the sport has run out of things to sell, it auctions off another shred of dignity. Take a look at what's about to happen (again) to what used to be the game's biggest individual award.

There's no suspense surrounding who will win the Heisman come Saturday - Auburn's Cam Newton in a landslide - only whether his would-be shakedown-artist father, Cecil, would show up for the ceremony in New York and make the mockery complete. He said late Thursday he won't. Too bad. He should. ...

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