Saturday, July 17, 2010

Charlie Rose Financial Bill by Barney Frank Marvelous Explanation Financial Bill

Tags: Financial Bill Barney Frank, Henry Paulson, Ron Paul, Greenspan, Coburn, Republicans Want Worse Economy Barney Frank July 16, 2010

For the first time in a long time Barney Frank looks rested. He gave the best explanation of the Financial Reform Bill bar none, and he applauds the media for presenting the facts on this bill. Without the public speaking up, the bill became must stronger with time, just the opposite of what usually happens with at least four times more lobbyists than House members.

Frank gave high praise to Secretary Henry Paulson for his efforts but I did not know that the Republicans prevented Paulson from saving Lehman Brothers which could have prevented the panic which froze money market funds. In 2007 Frank tried to get Greenspan to regulate the crooked Housing loans but he refused. Greenspan will be remembered as the worst Federal Reserves Chairman in modern times.

Frank said logically that the Republicans want the economy to get worse by not providing more help to the States and extending unemployment always boosts the local economy because they have to spend the money.

I can write all the things Frank said but I doubt that I can do better than him on Charlie Rose. This bill shows that if the public is active, the bills will get better. Only more politically balanced states gave us three Republicans from Maine and Massachusetts to make 60 votes. All the rest of the Republicans from the South, Midwest, and California voted against the bill even though their people are suffering the most!

Shows that ideology and radical religions have people thinking like Stepford Wives so much that they cannot think clearly about policies that help their own economic survival.

Even conservative economists say passing unemployment bill now will help the economy and psychology of Americans and with a good economy more tax revenues will soon make up the cost. Coburn (R-OK) is using the Senate rule that one senator can stop a vote on a bill. This rule must and will be excised if Democrats maintain control of the Senate and I believe the Democrats will not lose the majority in the House if Americans have any semblance of common sense.

Jim Kawakami, July 17, 2010,

Coburn Throws Roommate Heath Shuler Under The Bus To Attack Unemployment Benefits

Senate Republicans have been preventing a final vote on a measure to extend unemployment benefits to more than 3 million Americans because of the $33 billion cost. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has been on the front lines of the unemployment benefits battle all year.

This week on C-Span, Coburn argued that he’s not against extending the benefits, he just wants the cost to the government to be offset. (He has no such concerns when it comes to extending the Bush tax cuts, however.) “We’re just saying, it’s important now…that if we’re going to do that that we pay for it.” But then Coburn suggested that people don’t even need the benefits anyway, citing a conversation he had with his roommate, Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC):

COBURN: I live with Congressman Heath Shuler. He told me yesterday that a job fair in North Carolina…had over 500 jobs available. Three people showed up. Three people showed up for 500 jobs in an area of unemployment of 10 percent. And his explanation was, “They’re not going do it until the benefits lessen.” And that may not be an exact interpretation of what his words were but the fact is there is a negative aspect to continuing unemployment.

Watch it:

Did only three people show up to a job fair that had 500 jobs available? As Crooks and Liars noted, this seems highly unlikely. ThinkProgress spoke with a knowledgeable source who helped organize the jobs event with Shuler. The source told us that it was actually a “work force training” and that there were “some jobs available,” but not 500 as Coburn had claimed.

And did Shuler really suggest that Americans on unemployment benefits won’t look for a job until their “benefits lessen?” That statement “is not consistent with what [Shuler's] position has been” on unemployment benefits, said the source, who called Coburn’s comment “insulting” because he made Shuler’s constituents “out to look like a bunch of deadbeats.”

Asked for his views on extending unemployment insurance, Rep. Shuler provided ThinkProgress with the following statement:

While it needs to be done in a fiscally responsible manner, I think it is our responsibility to provide unemployment benefits for those who lose work through no fault of their own. I’m holding a variety of events in my district to create a job-friendly environment and to connect my hardworking constituents with job opportunities.

Indeed, according to the source, the congressman has had other job events in his district that were “phenomenally attended.”

61 Responses to “Coburn Throws Roommate Heath Shuler Under The Bus To Attack Unemployment Benefits”

  1. Buckie Boy (New Improved Troll Ignore) says:
    Dear Republican As$holes
    I have been out of work for the first time in 40 years, it has been 7 months. There are NO JOBS for someone over 50, at 57 I will not be able to find a job.
    I am not a deadbeat, I am retraining myself to use Adobe Production Premiem so I can make my own business.
    I lost my home because of this recession that BUSH and REPUBLICAN POLICES caused.
    I moved into my rental (a much smaller house but affordable), and without Unemployement I would have lost that one also.
    So I leave you conservative America haters with two words.
    July 17th, 2010 at 12:12 pm

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