Friday, July 23, 2010

Demon Sheep Video by Democrats 2 minutes

Tags: Senator Boxer Competent Favors Us, Failed CEO Fiorina favors the Rich, Calif TV Campaign $3 million per week, Boxer needs contributions, OpenSecrets.Org The video is very funny and funnier than Fiorina's original Demon Sheep video! Please pass on. Thanks! Jim

It takes $3 million dollars a week to cover TV ads in California according to the campaign chairman for failed CEO Fiorina.

Senator Boxer now has $11 million in her campaign chest. Fiorina, a failed CEO, is very wealthy and has already donated lots of her own money to the campaign and corporate money and Republican independent ads which allows Fiorina to say she did not authorize the many lying and damaging ads expected.

Rose, Boxer Campaign Head: "In an unguarded moment, he gave us the strongest signal yet that Fiorina was prepared to spend millions of dollars from her own personal fortune on the Senate race."
When I asked him whether Fiorina was going to write herself a big check, he responded, "I think we'll end up probably not having a horrible money problem. Does that answer your question, Rose?"

Most Americans, unfortunately, actually believe these ads unless they have contrary information. That is how they voted in many elections. Americans are ignorant about politics because they are told that it is dirty and not worth their time and now not studied in school.
We saw what Bush, twice failed CEO, did to our country. Unfortunately the corporate press and media, more exactly the corporations and wealthy wanted him to win for his tax cuts and corporate friendly policies, especially towards the financial industry's banks and essentially stopped all regulations of industry.

When Clinton left office, we were increasing climate changing carbon dioxide by one percent a year which helped the coal companies who did not have to follow the law of putting in modern pollution abatement systems in expanding their production output. Coal puts out twice as much carbon dioxide as oil. When Bush left, we doubled the increase of carbon dioxide emissions per year. The Global Climate Change scandal was based on lies and has been shown untrue by many investigators, but not emphasized in the newspapers and television news.
Republicans will vote for her and so will lots of Independents. So only a high Democratic turnout against Fiorina will allow Senator Boxer to win.

For this to happen she needs money for advertising. Even though Bush/Cheney and the Republicans caused this severe recession with the loss of 8 million jobs affecting 32 million families, the clever Republicans have tried to stop any bill that would help the economy. Only two Republican senators in Maine voted to extend unemployment insurance to people so they might not lose their homes or be expelled from their apartments leaving them homeless. , a non-profit organization which could also use your support, records all the contributions to politicians by corporations and individuals. They record those who contributed over $200 to campaigns. This is the only direct easy to access source of recorded campaign contributions.

Yes, who we elect does have consequences!

It will take years to fix the damages, especially to our economy and the income of Americans except for the top 2% who did very well under Bush/Cheney. The Bush tax cut due to expire in 2011 for the rich (53 Billion top 1%) and middleclass (3 billion). Only the $53 billion will be cut for the top 1% and corporations. Obama said he will consider decreasing the corporate tax rate in the hopes of increasing jobs in future 2011 legislation.

Jim Kawakami, July 23, 2010,

From Senator Boxer's Campaign:
In 2005 Bush and Cheney passed a law that said that damage from a spill (leak) larger than that by BP can be easily contained.
You never know what you're going to learn at a conference.
Yesterday, I participated in a panel discussion in Sacramento with Carly Fiorina's media consultant, Fred Davis -- you know, the creator of the "Demon Sheep" video. (No, he did not come in costume.)
In an unguarded moment, he gave us the strongest signal yet that Fiorina was prepared to spend millions of dollars from her own personal fortune on the Senate race.

When I asked him whether Fiorina was going to write herself a big check, he responded, "I think we'll end up probably not having a horrible money problem. Does that answer your question, Rose?"

It sure does. Now we need your help to fight back.

Contribute $100 to Barbara's campaign now -- and match Fiorina's big check with strong Boxer grassroots support!

We've been working hard over these past many months to begin raising the funds we need to get Barbara's message out during the bruising campaign ahead. Thanks to your support, we've opened an early financial edge over Carly Fiorina.

But Fiorina can close that gap with one stroke of her pen in her checkbook -- and, based on Fred's comments yesterday, that day may be soon.

We can't let Fiorina buy this U.S. Senate seat with the golden parachute she received after being fired from HP.

Contribute $100 now -- and make sure Barbara can fight back against Fiorina's millions!

Fiorina has already loaned her campaign more than $5.5 million to this point. Now it looks like the next installment is right around the corner.

It's time to make sure we return Barbara Boxer to the Senate to keep fighting for us -- but we can't do it without your help.

Contribute now -- and stand up for Barbara today.

Thank you for everything,

Rose Kapolczynski
Campaign Manager
Boxer for Senate

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