Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pot Sales by Big Pharma DEA Secretly Being Considered?

Tags: DEA Big Pharma Prescription Pot Sales Responding Demands Big Pharma

DEA Secretly Getting Big Pharma OK to Sell Pot by Prescription Only

Now we know why the DEA and Corporations prevented widespread treatments for drug addiction which the Pentagon Think Tank found would be cheaper and more efficient than trying to stop drugs from coming into our country. It is extremely profitable to get illegal drug cash to boost the bottom line!

Why do we have a law for all of us to be monitored if we deposit more than $10,000 in a bank or in the case of Governor Spitzer of New York, only $3,000 while corporations and Wall Street can accept any amounts of cash from the drug dealers without monitoring?

Why did Vice President George H.W. Bush prevent monitoring the widespread laundering of money via electronic transfer? Although widely quashed by the corporate press/media, investigations by Senator John Kerry in the 1980s and some reporters indicated that our CIA was using drugs to finance the Contra Wars in Central America which led Costa Rica to ban us from going through their country.

Possibly the real reason Big Pharma wants approval is that marijuana is one of the few drugs that prevents central nervous system addiction to kill pain. Big Pharma has been testing similar stuff, but nothing is cheaper than Pot. What happens in chronic pain is that our body/mind enhances the actual pain so higher and higher doses are required insuring addiction to the typical pain killers including morphine and its equivalent which I blogged about in the past.

The Mexican Drug cartel makes the most money from Pot. It seems that at least once a week Oregon's highway patrol catches drivers carrying pot for sale. Most of it gets through including Meth. Gangs distribute the drugs throughout the nation and serious addiction to Meth often now comes from small towns.

Jim Kawakami, Feb 23, 2011,

If the Feds Get Their Way, Big Pharma Could Sell Pot -- But Your Dime Bag Would Still Send You to Jail

We should be very wary about the DEA allowing regulation and marketing of pharmaceutical products containing plant-derived THC.

Paul Armentano, Alter Net, Feb 22, 2011, "Marijuana has no scientifically proven medical value." So stated the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on page six of a July 2010 agency white paper, titled "DEA Position on Marijuana."

Yet only four months after the agency committed its "no medical pot" stance to print, it announced its intent to allow for the regulation and marketing of pharmaceutical products containing plant-derived THC -- the primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.

But don't for a second believe the DEA has experienced a sudden change of heart regarding patients' use of the marijuana plant -- use that is now legal under state law in15 states and the District of Columbia (although recently approved laws in Arizona, New Jersey, and Washington, DC still await implementation). Despite growing public support for medical marijuana legalization, America's top anti-drug agency remains resolute that these hundreds of thousands of medi-pot patients are no more than common criminals, and their herbal remedy of choice is nothing more than the "Devil's weed."

It's not public pressure that's motivating the agency to consider rescheduling an organic cannabinoid for the first time since the creation of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970. (Under this act, all prescription drugs are classified as schedule II, III, IV, or IV controlled substances, while all illicit substances are categorized as schedule I drugs.) And it's not the recent publication of a series of FDA-approved "gold standard" clinical trials affirming the plant's safety and efficacy that's prompting the agency into action. (The DEA has so far refused to acknowledge these studies even exist.) Rather, the agency's sudden call for regulatory change is inspired by far more politically influential forces: The DEA is responding to the demands of Big Pharma. ...

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